Crownlengthening guide

This guide is ideal to be used with an electrosurge for precise recontouring of soft tissue and/ or bone for a predictable final result in accordance to design

€ 99 EUR
About the service

About the service

The crown lengthening guide is designed following the precise contour of the  library in ideal position. It can be used tor tissue recontouring and also bone recontouring as the top margin on the guide is designed as a 3mm reference.

What’s included?

  • You receive a ready-to-print .stl file


  1. Initial documentation photography
  2. Intraoral scanne in occlusion
  3. CBCT  
  4. Motivational or Functional design


  • The  guide should be used with Electrosurge. The guide can be ordered only after the 3D design was completed as it follows the position of the final restorations.


  • per arch